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Writer's pictureEldritch


M, Same aa prececiinff. 

Then* ara o^rtaln mloiw tluntiamfiita, wlitoh ab- 
hnr all wnt ftiniii and lln^d liuiin iif liiTwadlon.— 
liallt /MitofHfea, 7i1> 

Buell a way as Ilia Mlmy of thii mint, and llin nllii- 
atfiii til liiT naiiir, niont natiirally lanila thii fluin^ nf 
tli« iImw/uinM ^ think miitalila for liar.— iir. I/. 
More, if N/iif«te ogaimH Atkeiem, ch. iv. 

nawito. a. [Italian.] Same os Dev u tec. 

In cniiflilrnoo of tfiia coiifwit. mifli iiiiinlN*ni of 
deettioM ill all tlimw liavo pn‘li*niliil oiitliiiNiniiiii and 
ralraonlinanr illHiMe from hmimi. — Spencer, 
Vanitp r(/r yiUpar l^miAerire, |in«r. a. 2. li : JiHUi. 

Thia hath Iwni iiimminily l•xlM!riml•nl41l by the 
^cippv/iwof all rdlffioua-A.iiIf, IFin^a, ii. 12V: 171H. 

BewvAr. v.a, IFr. fleirorar ; Lnt deeoro.] 

1. Eat up ravenously : (as a wiM beast or 
aiiiniiil of prey). 

We've willing ilamm or.nuKh : them raiinot bo 
That vulture lii yiai to tleotmr no many 
Aa will to gnwtiiGWi diNUeate thi>niM‘lveN, 

FiiiiliiiK It HO iiiellii'il. Shakeepnir, Afarhrth, iv. 3. 

Wo will Nay aonin evil bcaat hath tU'VOHrt'd him.— 
C7^mwia, uivii. 3S. . 

Tho ladieu of thonimiae, wlinNO buNiiivsH it had 

roiiiiiioiilj Imkii to cook tho n'lmift, n'tinil aa noon 
HH tho disliiM had htwii deemml, and left Llii! gentle- 
men to their ale and tobacco.— JViMYra/ay, tlMorp 

of JSHpland, elk ill. 

2. Destroy or consume with rapidity utid 

** How ilire a UiniMwt fhini Mycoiiic pour'd, 

Our plaina, our teiiiplea, and our town f/eMiar'd; 

It WBN I he wwHto of war. /iryi/cM. 

3. Swallow up ; annihilate. 

Buell a iihiOHure HNirrowH fhailier ii|ioti onjoyini'iit ; 
ami I hough contiiiaity fed uiioii. yet u ni:ier Ue~ 
riMrrfW. — South, 

Death atalka behind thee, and each flying hour 
Dues aniue louae nimiiaiit of tliy iifo ilccoar. 


BewiiAr. r. II. Act as a dovoiircr: (in ilic 
«‘Xtr!ict, IniwcviT, the eonslriictioii is ns in 
Declare, i>. II.). 

S fire lieforo them, ami iNdiind tlieiiia 
fluiue biiniiih.— JiW, ii. 3 . 

Bewo^alile. uftj, Cnpubln of being, or liable 
to be, devouml. linrr, 

eliwr Hiid iiiideiHiiieh'd ap|ieiite reiiden every 
thing Nweel and deliglitful to ii mhiiuI Imilv. mid i:iH 
lliiiner exiin’iBim it) dveouralAc.—ttutafvh, Morale, 
] (Onl Ms.) 

Dowodror. s. One who devours; one who 
pr(*ys upon. 

lifiiiie ia hut a wililemewi of tygeiw : 

Tygen iiiiinI iimy, and Roim* alTonlN no jirey 
Dill 1110 and mine : how liapuy iirt thou then, 

From tlii'HU demturere to Iw IjaniNheil I 

ShtikreiMvr, Titne Audronirna, iii. 1. 

Siiieo IliiMQ le\'iatliiiiM are wilhdniWTi, the ieswr 
drnmrrra Niipiily their iilarc: fraud MieeeeiiN to 
viuleiuv.— ilr. if. More, litvanof Chriehou PU tp, 

Carp and teiieli do In’sI together, all otlier lish 
iN'iiig dicuurvra of th'dr aiiawn.- J/or/i/mr, //«•- 
hand r If, 

Bawodrlnw- part, aiij. Cnnsiiining; raven- 
ous; deslioyiiig. 

Hu hHika the iwiit-up Mini o'er the wn-teli 
That tn'iiiiileN iinili*r liiN tU rinrriNg jiawM. 

ShokceiH'iir, liturs Vi. Part HT. i. .3. 

NolwithHUmling tliiii KoeraleN lived in the lime 
of lliis ih ronrinff )N»ti 1 i>iien at AtIu'iiN, he never 
caught Ihcleiuit iiiHN'tioii. Addinon, 
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